Hosts / services state report

Host/service livestate

To send an host/service live state, PATCH on the host endpoint providing the host name and its state:

$ curl --request PATCH \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Basic MTQ4NDU1ODM2NjkyMi1iY2Y3Y2NmMS03MjM4LTQ4N2ItYWJkOS0zMGNlZDdlNDI2ZmI6' \
  --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '
    "name": "passive-01",
    "variables": {
        "test": "test"
    "active_checks_enabled": false,
    "passive_checks_enabled": true,
    "livestate": {
        "state": "UP",
        "output": "WS output - active checks disabled"
    "services": {
        "first": {
            "name": "dev_BarcodeReader",
            "active_checks_enabled": false,
            "passive_checks_enabled": true,
            "livestate": {
                "state": "OK",
                "output": "WS output - I am ok!"

# JSON result
  "_status": "OK",
  "_result": [
    "passive-01 is alive :)",
    "[1491368659] PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT;passive-01;0;WS output - active checks disabled",
    "[1491368659] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;passive-01;dev_BarcodeReader;0;WS output - I am ok!",
    "Service 'passive-01/dev_BarcodeReader' unchanged.",
    "Host 'passive-01' unchanged."
  "_feedback": {
    "passive_checks_enabled": true,
    "active_checks_enabled": false,
    "alias": "Passive host 1",
    "freshness_state": "d",
    "notes": "",
    "retry_interval": 0,
    "_overall_state_id": 4,
    "freshness_threshold": 14400,
    "location": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "check_interval": 5,
    "services": {
      "first": {
        "active_checks_enabled": false,
        "freshness_threshold": 43200,
        "_overall_state_id": 1,
        "freshness_state": "x",
        "notes": "",
        "retry_interval": 0,
        "alias": "Barcode reader",
        "passive_checks_enabled": true,
        "check_interval": 0,
        "max_check_attempts": 1,
        "check_freshness": true
    "max_check_attempts": 1,
    "check_freshness": true

The result is a JSON object containing a _status property that should be ‘OK’ and a _result array property that contains information about the actions that were executed. A _feedback dictionary property provides some informatyion about the host/service.

If an error is detected, the _status property is not ‘OK’ and a _issues array property will report the detected error(s).

The /host/host_name can be used to target the host. If a name property is present in the JSON data then this property will take precedence over the host_name in the endpoint.

For the host services states, use the same syntax as for an host:

$ curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "name": "test_host",
    "livestate": {
        "state": "up",
        "output": "Output...",
        "long_output": "Long output...",
        "perf_data": "'counter'=1"
    "services": {
        "test_service": {
            "name": "test_service",
            "livestate": {
                "state": "ok",
                "output": "Output...",
                "long_output": "Long output...",
                "perf_data": "'counter'=1"
        "test_service2": {
            "name": "test_service2",
            "livestate": {
                "state": "warning",
                "output": "Output...",
                "long_output": "Long output...",
                "perf_data": "'counter'=2"
        "test_service3": {
            "name": "test_service3",
            "livestate": {
                "state": "critical",
                "output": "Output...",
                "long_output": "Long output...",
                "perf_data": "'counter'=3"
}' ""

The livestate data for an host or service may contain: - state: “ok”,”warning”,”critical”,”unknown”,”unreachable” for a service. “up”,”down”,”unreachable” for an host. - output: the host/service check output - long_output: the host/service long output (second part of the output) - perf_data: the host/service check performance data - timestamp: timestamp for the host/service check

Note that the livestate for the host or for any service may be an array if more than one result is to be reported to the Web Service.

Host custom variables

To create/update host custom variables, PATCH on the host endpoint providing the host name and its variables:

$ curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "name": "test_host",
    "variables": {
        "test1": "string",
        "test2": 12,
        "test3": 15055.0,
        "test4": "new!"
}' ""

The result is a JSON object containing a _status property that should be ‘OK’ and an _result array property that contains information about the actions that were executed.

If an error is detected, the _status property is not ‘OK’ and a _issues array property will report the detected error(s).

The /host/host_name can be used to target the host. If a name property is present in the JSON data then this property will take precedence over the host_name in the endpoint.

Host enable/disable checks

To enable/disable hosts/services checks, PATCH on the host endpoint providing the host (service) name and its checks configuration:

$ curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "name": "test_host",
    "active_checks_enabled": True,
    "passive_checks_enabled": True,
    "services": {
        "test_service": {
            "name": "test_ok_0",
            "active_checks_enabled": True,
            "passive_checks_enabled": True,
        "test_service2": {
            "name": "test_ok_1",
            "active_checks_enabled": False,
            "passive_checks_enabled": False,
        "test_service3": {
            "name": "test_ok_2",
            "active_checks_enabled": True,
            "passive_checks_enabled": False,
}' ""

The result is a JSON object containing a _status property that should be ‘OK’ and an _result array property that contains information about the actions that were executed.

If an error is detected, the _status property is not ‘OK’ and a _issues array property will report the detected error(s).

The /host/host_name can be used to target the host. If a name property is present in the JSON data then this property will take precedence over the host_name in the endpoint.

Host/service creation

If the configuration parameters allow_host_creation and allow_service_creation are set in the module configuration file, hosts and services may be created when patching the /host endpoint.

Each time that the /host endpoint is patched, the module will check if the concerned host/services exist in the Alignak backend. If they do not exist, they will be created.

Some data may be provided for the creation in the template property. If no template data are provided, the host/service will be created with the default values defined in the backend. The host/service properties managed in the backend are described in the `backend documentation<>`_.

To create hosts/services, PATCH on the host endpoint providing the host (service) data in the template property:

$ curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "name": "test_host",
    "template": {
        "alias": "My host...",
        "_templates": ["generic-host", "important"]
    "services": {
        "test_service": {
            "name": "test_ok_0",
            "template": {
                "alias": "My service...",
                "_templates": ["generic-service", "normal"]
}' ""