Get Alignak history

To get Alignak history, GET on the alignak_logs endpoint:

$ wget

$ cat alignak_logs
    "_status": "OK",
    "items": [
            "service_name": "Zombies",
            "host_name": "chazay",
            "user_name": "Alignak",
            "_created": "Sun, 12 Mar 2017 19:14:48 GMT",
            "message": "",
            "type": "check.result"
            "service_name": "Users",
            "host_name": "denice",
            "user_name": "Alignak",
            "_created": "Sun, 12 Mar 2017 19:14:40 GMT",
            "message": "",
            "type": "check.result"
            "service_name": "Zombies",
            "host_name": "alignak_glpi",
            "user_name": "Alignak",
            "_created": "Sun, 12 Mar 2017 19:14:37 GMT",
            "message": "",
            "type": "check.result"
            "service_name": "Processus",
            "host_name": "lachassagne",
            "user_name": "Alignak",
            "_created": "Sun, 12 Mar 2017 19:14:18 GMT",
            "message": "",
            "type": "check.result"

The result is a JSON object containing a _status property that should be ‘OK’ and an items array property that contain the 25 most recent history events stored in the backend. Each item in this array has the properties:

  • _created: GMT date of the event creation in the backend

  • host_name / service_name

  • user_name: Alignak for Alignak self-generated events, else web UI user that provoked the event

  • message: for an Alignak check result, this will contain the main check result information: state[state_type] (acknowledged/downtimed): output (eg. UP[HARD] (False/False): Check output)

  • type is the event type:

    # WebUI user comment “webui.comment”,

    # Check result “check.result”,

    # Request to force a check (from WebUI) “check.request”, “check.requested”,

    # Add acknowledge (from WebUI) “ack.add”, # Set acknowledge “ack.processed”, # Delete acknowledge “ack.delete”,

    # Add downtime (from WebUI) “downtime.add”, # Set downtime “downtime.processed”, # Delete downtime “downtime.delete”

    # timeperiod transition “monitoring.timeperiod_transition”, # alert “monitoring.alert”, # event handler “monitoring.event_handler”, # flapping start / stop “monitoring.flapping_start”, “monitoring.flapping_stop”, # downtime start / cancel / end “monitoring.downtime_start”, “monitoring.downtime_cancelled”, “monitoring.downtime_end”, # acknowledge “monitoring.acknowledge”, # notification “monitoring.notification”,

Some parameters can be used to refine the results:

  • count: number of elements to get (default=25). According to the Alignak backend pagination, the maximu number of elements taht can be returned is 50.

  • page: page number (default=0). With the default count (25 items), page=0 returns the items from 0 to 24, page=1 returns the items from 25 to 49, …

  • search: search criteria in the items fields. The search criteria is using the same search engin as the one implemented in the WebUI.

    host_name:pattern, search for pattern in the host_name field (pattern can be a regex) service_name:pattern, search for pattern in the host_name field (pattern can be a regex) user_name:pattern, search for pattern in the host_name field (pattern can be a regex)

    type:monitoring-alert, search for all events that have the monitoring.alert type

    several search criterias can be used simultaneously. Simply separate them with a space character:

    host_name:pattern type:monitoring-alert`

    (To be completed…)

Note that the returned items are always sorted to get the most recent first